Crash Pad 101: The What and Why

Sometimes, military life can be confusing. Ridiculously confusing. Like when you have a four-day weekend and no one ever checks in on you, but the minute it starts raining hard on a Saturday, the phone tree gets activated and things start to get crazy. But there are one or two things we can clear up […]

Make Your Next PCS an Awesome Road Trip

Leaving your duty station has its perks, traveling, being the best one! Visiting new places and seeing new things is something seasoned military members and their families long for. We are so used to moving every few years, that many of us get the desire to travel if we are stagnant for too long. If […]

Treat Yourself For Veterans Day

Our friends over at put together a fantastic list of Veterans Day discounts and deals, and picked some that you will especially like! From giveaways to discounts to free meals, they’ve got the full list over on their website. Keep scrolling for those we think you’ll like! Giveaways Hawks Cay Resort In Collaboration with […]

The Very Scary Side of Temporary Lodging

What’s wrong with staying in on-base lodging? Nothing, really. Lodging is … lodging. You get your basic bed, bathroom and sometimes a small kitchen. But sometimes things go wrong. And when they do, they go very wrong. We asked some of our military friends to share their lodging horror stories. And boy were some of […]

Is It Really PCS Time, Again?

About 40% of military families PCS – or move – each summer. But another big wave of PCSing happens in the winter. We all know PCSing can be a blast, and incredibly stressful! Some of the good parts are: eating out every day (no cooking!), staying in hotels (no cleaning!), and traveling. PCSing does require […]

7 Tips for House Hunting from a Distance

As military families, we are no stranger to moving often and on little notice. We’re frequently put in situations where we have to search for housing across the country from where we live, or – in some cases – across the world. The whole process can be more stressful than you bargained for, especially when […]

Why You Should Try Space A For Your Next Vacation

Have you ever wanted to go on a family getaway, but didn’t know how you would be able to afford a flight, accommodations, and attractions? Enter the wonderful world of Space-A Travel. Space Available Travel (Space-A), can save you an immense amount of money when traveling. If you would like to take a trip within […]

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