5 Tips for a Winter Ready Rental

The last of the fall leaves have fluttered to the ground, which means winter is just around the corner – if that first cold snap hasn’t already hit. Whether you are a landlord or a renter, now is the time to ensure your rental is winter-ready for the upcoming chilly weeks ahead. Last Rake and […]

Explore Jacksonville, AR in 6 Fun Ways

Little Rock Air Force Base is home to the C-130 and supports the largest C-130 fleet in the world. But sometimes the small-town feel of nearby Jacksonville can leave you feeling a little blue. But don’t worry, Arkansas has some great things to offer. Whether you’re spending time at Little Rock AFB for C-130 school […]

The Best Things to Do in Alamogordo in the Summer

New Mexico enjoys warm summers with mild humidity, but the possibilities of afternoon monsoons will keep you on your toes. There are so many outdoor activities to keep you busy in the Land of Enchantment and Alamogordo is no different. Check out our top 5 things to do in the summer. Enjoy a Concert Under […]

5 One-Pot Meal Ideas for Busy Nights

Most people can agree that a major barrier to cooking at home – or in your Military Crashpad kitchen – is ALL the dishes piled up when the meal is over. Even if you know that it’s healthier and more cost-effective, the thought of scrubbing pots and pans can be enough to push you towards […]

5 “Insider Secrets” for a Smooth TDY to Fort Meade

A TDY to Ft. Meade offers wonderful opportunities, both in professional development and amenities. Located midway between Baltimore and Washington D.C., with missions from all five branches of the military, Ft. Meade is also home to more than 117 government and partner agencies and organizations – making it a fantastic networking opportunity. Nearby, Washington D.C. […]

The Very Scary Side of Temporary Lodging

What’s wrong with staying in on-base lodging? Nothing, really. Lodging is … lodging. You get your basic bed, bathroom and sometimes a small kitchen. But sometimes things go wrong. And when they do, they go very wrong. We asked some of our military friends to share their lodging horror stories. And boy were some of […]

How to Get Settled Quickly at Your New Duty Station

If you ever saw the movie; The ‘Burbs, you may have an unfounded fear of meeting your new neighbors. You’re in luck! Most people live normal, everyday lives, just like you and me. Moving into your new home and getting to know your new neighbors should be exciting, not dreadful. In the past, meeting our […]

5 Ways to Find Hidden Gems in Your New City

PCS moves can be daunting tasks. Moving means more than just finding a new place to live and work; it can also mean finding a new favorite restaurant, hair parlor/barber shop or place to shop. While some duty stations have full selections right outside the gate, the reality is that some duty stations are a […]

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