8 Things to Ask Your Realtor When Renting Sight Unseen

PCS season means lots of decisions to make. And sometimes, it means making the tough ones before you’ve even packed a box. This time, it’s decided – you are going to rent a home sight unseen at your new duty station. Are you nervous yet? Palms sweaty? Second-guessing your choice already? Maybe, but there are […]

6 Reasons to Rent a House Sight Unseen

You wait, and you wait, and you wait … And then, bam, PCS orders magically appear. Yay! One of the first things that usually comes to mind is: “Where will we live?” That’s when the fun begins, searching the internet for rental listings, messaging your friends or friends of friends who have lived at that […]

Will My Renters Insurance Cover That?

If you’re new to the military life, you may not remember the days where on-base housing came with renters insurance. A few years ago, however, that stopped being the case and there were several conversations throughout the community about the importance of renters insurance. Basically, if you do not own the house you live in, […]

Why PCS Season is the BEST Time to Head on Vacation

PCS season is in full swing. With worries about new housing arrangements, getting the kids signed up for new schools and household goods (don’t get me started on HHG), I’m sure planning a vacation is the furthest thing from your mind. However, many military families often do themselves a disservice by not taking advantage of […]

Where Should I Keep My Money When We Keep Moving?

Finding a fantastic bank while you’re in the military may seem simple. You’ll just find one that is military friendly and provides incentives for your business. Simple, right? Not so fast. Some banks offer incentives for military members and even free accounts, but they may not have the best service or rates. Just like after […]

Celebrating the Holidays Away from Home

For many, the winter holiday season is long-awaited and full of decades worth of family traditions and memories. But for many members of the military and their family, the winter months also bring TDY travel and PCS moves, which can interfere with long-standing traditions and the ideal holiday. Here are some tips to make the […]

Crash Pad 101: The What and Why

Sometimes, military life can be confusing. Ridiculously confusing. Like when you have a four-day weekend and no one ever checks in on you, but the minute it starts raining hard on a Saturday, the phone tree gets activated and things start to get crazy. But there are one or two things we can clear up […]

Make Your Next PCS an Awesome Road Trip

Leaving your duty station has its perks, traveling, being the best one! Visiting new places and seeing new things is something seasoned military members and their families long for. We are so used to moving every few years, that many of us get the desire to travel if we are stagnant for too long. If […]


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