4 Things to Do After You PCS

When you search Pinterest, or Google “Military PCS” and you will find hundreds of articles and blog posts about the moving process. What to pack, what not to pack, checklists and binders; but what about after the PCS? You arrive in your new home and you have all your belongings, maybe only a few things […]

Money Habits That Can Save You Thousands

Disciplined, considerate, and responsible are characteristics that often describe someone in the military. However, those principles aren’t always the case when it comes down to managing money, especially when those they have multiple deployments and TDYs that take them away from home.  Living a life where you are constantly on the move, trying to assimilate […]

11 Reasons to Rent a Room to Military Members

Military members are generally reliable, responsible and courteous, although they can seem strange or intimidating to someone who’s never been around them. But all the stuff they learned in the service? That makes them great roommates and tenants! In case you’re not familiar with all of the awesome traits our miltiary service members – and […]

A Year’s Worth of Things to Do at Keesler AFB

Welcome to Keesler AFB and Biloxi, Mississippi! As a service member or military family in a new place, it can be tough to get to know your new community. One of the best ways to immerse yourself in your new home is to experience local community events. You really get the true flavor of your […]

Hidden Ways to Save Money When You PCS

No matter how you go about moving across the country it costs money. And while the military pays you to move from point a to point b, it can still feel like you are spending plenty of money out of pocket to make your move happen. Here are the best ways our military family has […]

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