Planning Your Move: 5 Items not to Forget

Planning Your Move: 5 Items not to Forget

Do you find yourself worry packing months before your official PCS date? I know I tend to immediately start placing items I can live without safely in our large tubs and disposing of the unnecessary clutter that the last two to three years have, without a doubt, provided. There is a true art to moving. Every time is a little different, and the level of our preparedness seems to evolve continuously. With that experience, I have created a list of my top five items/necessities you will want on your person during your next military move.  

  1. Proper Documentation

It’s no surprise official military orders come with some necessary government documents and paperwork- we have a travel file holder explicitly used for this reason. Once on the road, ensure you have birth certificates, marriage licenses, official orders, passports, vehicle titles, social security cards, power of attorney (if traveling without the service member), and medical records (vaccination history) of humans and any animals in attendance.  

2. Medications 

If you or anyone in your family (two legs or four) requires medications, it is best to keep any you may need with you. Additionally, a three-month supply (when allowed) will ensure you have plenty without having to scramble to get into a new PCM or have the prescription (hopefully) transferred to a new pharmacy right away. Ensure any narcotics/controlled substances are secured from children and public visibility (I have seen many ER patients for having their medications stolen).   

3. Irreplaceable Valuables 

These look different for everyone- maybe it is jewelry, family heirlooms, or a custom painting. The fact is, no matter how great your contracted movers are, accidents happen and there are just some things not worth the risk. In this last move, I pulled out my jewelry box, stethoscope, a picture frame from my grandfather and our baby’s crib (irreplaceable does not always have to be your most expensive valuables, sentimental ones are just as important!) 

4. Forwarding Address 

This is one that I do not think is stressed enough. Have you ever lived somewhere and received more mail from the previous tenants/owners than yourself? I always felt bad and struggled with what to do with it! Therefore, once you have a new address established, ensure that your mail is forwarded there through the USPS (you can do it all online). 

5. A touch of ‘Home’ 

Your new house will feel like a home with a few consistent touches (at least until the moving truck shows up)- for us that consists of our favorite coffee mugs, candle, blankets/linens freshly washed, and a handful of our favorite movies for living room floor movie night!  

I hope these suggestions relieve a little of your moving panic, and you find yourself excited for this next chapter.  And know if you leave home without some of your usual necessities, one of the wonderful houses provided by Military Crashpad is sure to fill the void in the meantime!  For more tips on moving and housing, visit our blog at

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